Railway Wallet Private DeFi Wallet


Use Ethereum & EVM privately

via the Railway Wallet app


Privatize your existing Ethereum & EVM assets by shielding into a private 0zk address. Shielding encrypts your activity, address, and assets with Zero-Knowledge cryptography.

Private Transfers

Send funds to other 0zk addresses fully privately. Useful for everyday private payments such as salary or business transactions. Private sends are valid blockchain transactions that transfer value without revealing sender, recipient, amount, or token type.

Private DeFi

Interact with public Ethereum DeFi while protecting your precious financial data and alpha. Perform swaps, earn yield, and provide liquidity on leading DeFi platforms from your private 0zk address.

Compliance privately

Robust tools to help you meet your compliance needs and ensure that bad actors cannot enter the privacy set. A combination of Viewing Keys, Private Proofs of Innocence (Privacy Pools), and easy tax reports help you use private Ethereum confidently and safely.

Download Railway Wallet

Get Railway Wallet to use DeFi privately

Railway Desktop

Railway Mobile


About Railway Wallet app

Railway Wallet includes multiple features that help users maximize their privacy:

  • As a self-custody wallet, Railway ensures that only you can access your accounts. When you create a wallet, the seed phrase is encrypted with your password and kept solely on your local device.
  • No user activity logs are collected at all. Your data stays within the Railway Wallet application and is never transmitted to developers or third parties.
  • Users can fully customize the RPCs they utilize, allowing you to choose the specific communication channels for sending and receiving data across each blockchain network supported by Railway.
  • Railway Wallet is entirely open-source, so you can review the code yourself to independently verify its functionality.
  • Railway Wallet incorporates the RAILGUN Smart Contract Privacy System and supports zk-SNARK transactions, allowing you to send transactions privately without disclosing any details about your wallet balance.
  • For private 0zk transactions, you can either use the Broadcaster network or self-sign transactions with any 0x wallet within Railway Wallet. Broadcasters will handle submissions on your behalf from their 0x address for a small fee. If you opt to self-sign, you can use any of your 0x addresses, including those created with a different seed phrase than your 0zk address.